Happy Thanksgiving and the beginning of Advent!

Care packages for Olstmed sherifs

Sending Prayers for Thanksgiving Blessings into the New Year!

GRATITUDE GREETINGS in the midst of the Perfect (really IM-PERFECT storm)!

First, really good news… we are closer to Heaven than we have ever been!! Covid-19, our nation’s political divide, and even racial strife cannot keep us from being HEAVEN-BOUND!

Part of our involvement in Spirit Days on the IN-TANGIBLE side, is the creation of a renewed MINDSET. It is easy to become discouraged based on destructive thought patterns… thus the need to renew our MINDSET.

The Apostle Paul in Romans 12:2 says: “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind to prove God’s good, perfect and acceptable will.”

The next step for SPIRIT DAYS is planting the seed of Gratitude into the minds of thousands of Rochester citizens via a bright poster to be placed in hundreds of locations, on line, as part of our next SPADEA with the Post Bulletin and in numerous social media postings.

Indeed, the Covid-19 encounter left its mark on NCRC. The in-person gathering for 2020 National Day of Prayer was canceled. Community Day of Prayer (CDOP) was having its best year ever… it too was canceled. THE GOOD NEWS is that in December we will restart CDOP. It will involve us focusing on prayer for our media friends including the Post Bulletin, four Network TV stations, and multiple radio stations.

Wendell… GOOD News in battle with cancer

I now have FOUR clean PET scans, following 13 cancer years.  Breathing challenges and being susceptible to Covid-19 need prayer. God has been FAITHFUL. I am not in remission, but my spirit is strong, my energy level is growing and my mind & heart are being renewed.

Going Forward

Working with the NCRC board, community faith leaders and Rochester’s civic leadership has strengthened and uplifted my spirit. God’s work of AMAZING GRACE can be seen at every turn.

Financially we are getting back on our feet. Covid-19 has forced us to look more to Jesus to supply our needs. We genuinely need your year end gift. Your generosity and God’s grace are making a real difference. Thanks in advance for your much needed help.

I pray that you are experiencing THANKS-LIVING in these difficult, but God-designed days. It is our desire that you will know His good, perfect and acceptable will, while navigating God’s BIG picture.

Spirit Days Food Drive
autumn ridge helpers

Autumn Ridge Church: We were privileged to participate in October!

“Autumn Ridge Church was privileged to participate in Rochester Spirit Days this year. Thank you for organizing it and gathering public support! Our team rallied around giving to the community and it was clear that spirits are lifted and the good news shared.” In His Name, –George Beech, Autumn Ridge Community Partnerships Pastor

Here are a few of the things Autumn Ridge Church did from Oct 16-25, 2020:

  • Kingdom Garden – ARC’s 1-1/2 acre Community Benefit Garden finished its last harvest of tomatoes on October 22 donating the last of 26,500 pounds of food to Channel One and Community Food Response. KIMT-TV did a story to capture season’s end here: https://www.kimt.com/content/video/572837612.html?ref=612
  • Rake and Run – American Heritage Girls and Trail Life Boys, who meet at Autumn Ridge Church hosted a Rake and Run to clear leaves for the elderly in Rochester on October 21. KIMT-TV did a story to capture the event:
  • Salvation Army – Autumn Ridge has collected hundreds of coats for the Salvation Army, and we had such a great response that we needed to extend the drive out to November 10: https://www.facebook.com/AutumnRidgeChurch/posts/3687055108006298
    We also donated masks and pallets of water to our friends at Salvation Army.
  • Autumn Ridge Church delivered meals to the Rochester Police Department (RPD) to encourage those who protect and serve our community daily. Note that this is a recurring event each week and we delivered 30 delicious meals on October 21 to the grateful staff and officers of the Rochester Police Department.
Picture of Wendell Amstutz, MA

Wendell Amstutz, MA

CEO | Author / Speaker | amstutz@ncommunityrc.org | 507-254-1265

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